To attract top talent, traditional recruiting methods are no longer sufficient. Nurturing your existing talent pool will lead to successful hires.
Our technology enables a proactive recruiting to turn passive candidates and leads into active candidates.
Group candidates and leads together into cohorts based on their common identifier. Automate workflows by setting up custom actions.
Schedule series of sales or recruiting touch points that include Emails, phone calls and SMS messages, as well as other tasks that are delivered at a pre-defined interval over a particular period of time.
Automate certain activities within a nurturing campaign to maximize the interaction.
Keep track of your campaigns' to monitor performance and optimize the conversion rate.
A modern, data-driven hiring process management tool with features, tools and apps.
Easy to use, intuitive, and automated.
Categorize candidates, prospects or leads into Cohorts and Sequences with customizable workflow and start.
Run the campaign and track your campaigns all together to get ideas of ways to maximize the result.
Search candidates and leads via AI search upon your requirement and add them directly into your nurturing campaigns.